Thursday, May 8, 2014

Planning for the Wesak

A Loving Atma Namaste! 
There are so many ways to join the Wesak! Our Beloved Spiritual Teacher always used Lucis Trust dates for The Wesak Festival & considered them to be the most reliable. When planning in advance - prior to Lucis Trust publication of the schedule - please remember that The Wesak Festival (in our Tradition) is held on the FIRST Full Moon of Taurus - where ever that date falls in the Calendar. When there are two Full Moons in one Taurus period - "His" chosen date - is always the First Full Moon. Why is it important? This is the only day each year - that for approximately 8 minutes - especially Strong Divine Energy - is received by Our Beloved Mother Earth & by each one of us. Those of you who are Clairvoyant can "SEE" the Golden Energy descend - suffusing everyone & everything in this yearly burst of Transformative Energy. 
Please remember that this special period lasts for only approximately 8 minutes - & it usually occurs around 12-16 minutes into the Meditation itself. Please prepare. Be ready to Receive these Divine Subtle Energies. Each of us needs to become a suitable receptacle to hold the maximum benefit - so as to sustain you & your activities throughout the coming year. 
For those of you unable to be at Pottmes with us, we recommend you join at: And please remember to tune in to the Annual PPM Audio Stream at: Look for the announcement to come soon! Many Loving Blessings be with All!

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

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