Just received an interesting private message - that maybe needs a public response …
Tonight one student wrote a private message to us. He wrote:
"This soul had a doubt with regard to making a gratitude journal. Does our good karma get utilized when we make a journal taking into acount the factor that it is a form of kriya shakthi?"
Is anyone interested in the Response?
A Loving Atma Namaste!
There seems to be some fundamental misunderstanding about the Nature of Kriya Shakti - which ARE NOT just for "Success & Prosperity"!
Manifestation Techniques are an Important way to Develop one's Soul!
Why would our having Sincere Gratitude - which clearly is a form of Kriya Shakti - be wrong? (Now there is a lovely shared Secret!!)
The DEVELOPMENT of the Soul - when in the Physical Body - is enhanced, or magnified through our daily interactions in the Physical World! & GIVING THANKS for the Manifestation of GREAT GREAT BLESSINGS in our Lives is VERY important!!!
Not only is Expressing Gratitude & Thanksgiving the Polite thing to do … when one Receives a Beautiful Act of Loving Kindness … How could anyone of us fail say THANK YOU to our Beloved Guruji - who breaths in our Suffering … Transforms it … then Breaths out Blessings - to All of us - EACH DAY EVERY DAY!!!
Recommend Holding a CONSTANT ATTITUDE of Gratitude - for the Great Great Blessings that Shower Down on all of us from God & Guru!!!
Infinite Loving Blessings be with All!

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson
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