Loving Atma Namaste!
The Teacher had many interesting habits …
For example: This soul
noticed that when He had a Attraction to
a certain "Thing" -
Frequently He would Shop for
& Buy that things to which He was attracted - then with great
satisfaction He would Gift the cherished objects to other people!
For example He gave away many: Big Screen TV's,
Wrist Watches, Blessed Medallions, Cars, Books & other "Things" …
He was also very
conscious of not accumulating excessive personal things Himself.
Sometimes He would go to His closets - & after looking
inside - He would say, "So many things!" …
Then He would begin pulling
out all of those things He considered to be Excessive - keeping only
that which He actually needed or found useful. Then He would give away
all of those "Excessive Things" to some lucky souls who were VERY
Happily to receive His "old" shirts, shoes, socks etc …
Then He would ask the maids to burn the rest.
He also did this with household items - for example,
Piles of old towels, sheets and other "things" which were "Released" in
this way …
For this soul - these
Observations were a Powerful Lesson -
Our Love of Possessions
needs to be Regulated …
& of course we need to Remember that:
It is
in Giving that we Receive! (Extracted from the Prayer of St. Francis)
Blessings be with All!