Received this interesting question two days back.
Thought the response should be posted for all who have the
same question.
Many Loving Blessings be to All!
Namaste Madam.
Recently happended to do "99 NAMES OF ALLAH" by GMCKS.
Please could you help clarify who is ABDUL WADUD AMIN.
This soul tried asking many people .
Some told it was GMCKS in his previous incarnation.
Some others said its the Arabic equivalent of GMCKS.
Dont know what to believe
Our Response:
A Loving Atma Namaste!
Our Beloved Guruji used several Pen Names or Pseudonyms.
His most commonly known Pseudonym is: Master Choa Kok Sui.
His name given at Birth in Cebu City Philippines was: Samson Lim Choachuy
Because The Teacher, was pro-active regarding reaching Peaceful Solutions in the Middle East – and He felt that Practitioners of the Islamic faith would Not be drawn to a Chinese Filipino Teacher - names MCKS ...
He therefore adapted what He considered to be a more appropriate name for the CD’s we recorded together in Manila in late 2006 & early 2007 (yes, again this soul worked in an unpaid capacity - as Executive Producer on this project - paying for the Recording Sessions and Development of these CD’s – doing all preparation up to and including the covers & interior information provided, worked with a Sound Editor to produce them in their current form, etc. No financial compensation was ever been received by her for this Work.)
The collection includes: AMIN (recited like the Mantra OM), Prayers and Contemplations on Compassion and Peace (Planetary Meditation for Peace – Islamic Version), and The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah [swt] …)
The name He chose for the purpose of these several CD’s and book was:
Abdul Wadud Amin – which means Allah (swt), - the All Loving.
He also chose to place this name as Author - on another book this soul co-authored with him during the same period: "The Existence of Allah is Self-Evident" – a spin-off of our earlier book - that was especially prepared for the first Middle Eastern Retreat in Dubai - which for health reasons - after His stroke on 4 January - He was unable to attend in February 2007).
Our Beloved Guruji, was also about to adapt another Pseudonym for the book on Christianity we were writing together at the time He passed from the physical body.
Acutally it is quite common for various authors to adapt Pen Names or Pseudonyms when writing. There are many examples of this phenomena.
Another prime example in the Esoteric/Spiritual World - is that of Yogi Ramachakara - whose actual name was: William Walker Atkinson ...
He used MULTIPLE pseudonyms. You may research this for yourself (!!) on the Internet. Many of his books are available for free download online!
Thank you for asking this interesting question …
Many Loving Blessings be to All!

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