Loving Atma Namaste!
Very sorry, but in yesterday's post ... this soul
was rushing & made a mistake ... This was fortunately found by one
wonderful student who clarified the matter ...
So instead of: Abdul
Wadud Amin – which correctly means Allah (swt), - the All Loving - which
is actually Allah (swt) the All Loving ...
"Abdul means Servant, which is very common among arabic name to name themselves
as servants of God. So it is servant of Allah all merciful and amin
means trustworthy or honest."
Or according to the perception of the Teacher it
would mean - Servant of Allah (swt) the All Loving ... This may be
considered a fortunate mistake - due to our being able to add another
interesting bit of information.
The Teacher used to call Himself - a
"Divine Servant" ...
Have a Great Day!
Many Loving Blessings be with
Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
About Pseudonyms
A Loving Atma Namaste!
Received this interesting question two days back.
Thought the response should be posted for all who have the
same question.
Many Loving Blessings be to All!
Namaste Madam.
Recently happended to do "99 NAMES OF ALLAH" by GMCKS.
Please could you help clarify who is ABDUL WADUD AMIN.
This soul tried asking many people .
Some told it was GMCKS in his previous incarnation.
Some others said its the Arabic equivalent of GMCKS.
Dont know what to believe
Our Response:
A Loving Atma Namaste!
Our Beloved Guruji used several Pen Names or Pseudonyms.
His most commonly known Pseudonym is: Master Choa Kok Sui.
His name given at Birth in Cebu City Philippines was: Samson Lim Choachuy
Because The Teacher, was pro-active regarding reaching Peaceful Solutions in the Middle East – and He felt that Practitioners of the Islamic faith would Not be drawn to a Chinese Filipino Teacher - names MCKS ...
He therefore adapted what He considered to be a more appropriate name for the CD’s we recorded together in Manila in late 2006 & early 2007 (yes, again this soul worked in an unpaid capacity - as Executive Producer on this project - paying for the Recording Sessions and Development of these CD’s – doing all preparation up to and including the covers & interior information provided, worked with a Sound Editor to produce them in their current form, etc. No financial compensation was ever been received by her for this Work.)
The collection includes: AMIN (recited like the Mantra OM), Prayers and Contemplations on Compassion and Peace (Planetary Meditation for Peace – Islamic Version), and The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah [swt] …)
The name He chose for the purpose of these several CD’s and book was:
Abdul Wadud Amin – which means Allah (swt), - the All Loving.
He also chose to place this name as Author - on another book this soul co-authored with him during the same period: "The Existence of Allah is Self-Evident" – a spin-off of our earlier book - that was especially prepared for the first Middle Eastern Retreat in Dubai - which for health reasons - after His stroke on 4 January - He was unable to attend in February 2007).
Our Beloved Guruji, was also about to adapt another Pseudonym for the book on Christianity we were writing together at the time He passed from the physical body.
Acutally it is quite common for various authors to adapt Pen Names or Pseudonyms when writing. There are many examples of this phenomena.
Another prime example in the Esoteric/Spiritual World - is that of Yogi Ramachakara - whose actual name was: William Walker Atkinson ...
He used MULTIPLE pseudonyms. You may research this for yourself (!!) on the Internet. Many of his books are available for free download online!
Thank you for asking this interesting question …
Many Loving Blessings be to All!
Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson
Received this interesting question two days back.
Thought the response should be posted for all who have the
same question.
Many Loving Blessings be to All!
Namaste Madam.
Recently happended to do "99 NAMES OF ALLAH" by GMCKS.
Please could you help clarify who is ABDUL WADUD AMIN.
This soul tried asking many people .
Some told it was GMCKS in his previous incarnation.
Some others said its the Arabic equivalent of GMCKS.
Dont know what to believe
Our Response:
A Loving Atma Namaste!
Our Beloved Guruji used several Pen Names or Pseudonyms.
His most commonly known Pseudonym is: Master Choa Kok Sui.
His name given at Birth in Cebu City Philippines was: Samson Lim Choachuy
Because The Teacher, was pro-active regarding reaching Peaceful Solutions in the Middle East – and He felt that Practitioners of the Islamic faith would Not be drawn to a Chinese Filipino Teacher - names MCKS ...
He therefore adapted what He considered to be a more appropriate name for the CD’s we recorded together in Manila in late 2006 & early 2007 (yes, again this soul worked in an unpaid capacity - as Executive Producer on this project - paying for the Recording Sessions and Development of these CD’s – doing all preparation up to and including the covers & interior information provided, worked with a Sound Editor to produce them in their current form, etc. No financial compensation was ever been received by her for this Work.)
The collection includes: AMIN (recited like the Mantra OM), Prayers and Contemplations on Compassion and Peace (Planetary Meditation for Peace – Islamic Version), and The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah [swt] …)
The name He chose for the purpose of these several CD’s and book was:
Abdul Wadud Amin – which means Allah (swt), - the All Loving.
He also chose to place this name as Author - on another book this soul co-authored with him during the same period: "The Existence of Allah is Self-Evident" – a spin-off of our earlier book - that was especially prepared for the first Middle Eastern Retreat in Dubai - which for health reasons - after His stroke on 4 January - He was unable to attend in February 2007).
Our Beloved Guruji, was also about to adapt another Pseudonym for the book on Christianity we were writing together at the time He passed from the physical body.
Acutally it is quite common for various authors to adapt Pen Names or Pseudonyms when writing. There are many examples of this phenomena.
Another prime example in the Esoteric/Spiritual World - is that of Yogi Ramachakara - whose actual name was: William Walker Atkinson ...
He used MULTIPLE pseudonyms. You may research this for yourself (!!) on the Internet. Many of his books are available for free download online!
Thank you for asking this interesting question …
Many Loving Blessings be to All!

Sunday, April 27, 2014
The purpose of religion...
A Loving Atma Namaste!
"The purpose of Religion is to control yourself ...
Not to criticize others.
How much am I doing about my Anger, Attachment,
Hatred, Pride and Jealousy?
These are the things we must check in our daily lives."
Are you getting ready for The Wesak?
Start now!
Have a Blessed & Beautiful Day!
Many Loving Blessings be to All!
Friday, April 25, 2014
Spring Season
Loving Atma Namaste!
So much enjoying the Fragrance & Beauty of the
Spring Flowers & the Tenderness of the opening Green Leaves ...
What a Divine Season - so Full of Fresh Uplifting Energy!
May each of
us Open our Hearts to another Beautiful Spring Season! Its a WOW -
Many Loving Blessings be with All!
❀ A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms. ❀ The Burned Hand Bloom.

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
The Glorious Atma of Guru
A Loving Atma Namaste and a Very Warm Welcome!
Most happy to share a very special Announcement re: The Glorious Atma of Guru.
Most happy to share a very special Announcement re: The Glorious Atma of Guru.
Over the past 7 years, this soul has rarely reacted publicly – when various and multiple forms of defamation, slander or disrespect – were directed toward her.
However more than one year ago - when the following photo was circulated within our Spiritual Community - this soul was rather surprised – primarily because virtually all of the Senior Students of our Spiritual Teacher know very well – that He stated: “Distorting the Perception of others – will cause the offenders to have their own Perception Distorted.”
Actually it is rather interesting to see oneself “Erased” from history – when one is still in the physical body. (see the posted photos …)
Globally, while this is not a completely unknown occurrence – within Spiritual Communities it may give an inquiring mind cause - to meditate on - why this has happened. (http://www.businessinsider.com/people-who-were-erased-from-history-2013-12)
Some of the Questions regarding this behavior – that immediately arise are:
What would cause this type of a Distortion to occur?
Why would anyone wish to mislead our community on such a Broad Scale?
What would the aggressors suffer in the future – as Karmic Payment –
for having released such wrongful and misleading Energies?
There are at least several various ways for us to view the reasons for this exceptionally Un-Spiritual Phenomena.
1. Such as: Why is there so much hostility or so much animosity - that those creating the Distortion – would go to the trouble to “Erase” anyone – from a photo, book or elsewhere?
We might also contemplate WHY those engaging in this behavior appear to be unable to correct their Improper Perceptions (as this has been repeated in other ways as mentioned below).
Possibly their disregard for propriety is due to a perception that non-reaction on my part - or minimal reaction from my side – made some believe that these wrongful actions are OK – and therefore, they may freely continue to sow - additional wrong seeds.
2. Or perhaps: the presenters of such information are so Immature or incapable of focusing on Actual Truth – that they made a clear effort - to create their own “Fairy Tale Version” or memory of a situation.
From the personal perspective of this soul – such behavior emanates from Inaccurate Perception – that distorts the Correction Expression of historic fact. This is not merely a deeper Level of Truth – but also gives all of us a Visual Image of a deeper situation that has been allowed to persist – due to this soul’s own Inaction …
3. Or perhaps: these Intellectual Assailants – hold such an exaggerated desire to be or to become - the “Only Ones” – due to being so “senior” or “so special” as to possess the “most” Accurate Information – so as to increase their personal degree of Power, Position, Prestige or Objectives – through the blatant, outright Distortion of these matters.
4. Or as in: “Damnatio memoriae (a Latin phrase) literally meaning ‘damnation of memory’ in the sense of a judgment that a person must not be remembered … “ (- Extracted from Wikipedia.org)
Some months later. again a similar topic arose.
A young Colleague reported to this soul that “New” Lotus Sutras had been generated – and were being sold in India.
He sent her a copy of the completely changed covers – and noted that the name of Charlotte Anderson had been excluded (or Erased) as Compiler, Transcriber and Editor of these books – and that the name of another individual had replaced hers.
The Teacher taught us – that we should: “Fight without Fighting”.
Therefore, in early January – when a positive Ruling was received (from the New Delhi High Court) in the favor of Defendant 1 (Charlotte Anderson) – she began to Meditate on the effect of Releasing ALL of those “Co-Authored” books for Free – and Unrestricted Access to all interested parties - in their Original, Guru Approved and Undistorted Form.
(Extracted from the New Delhi High Court Ruling - CS(OS) No.2252/2011
- on 10 January 2014 - Page 147 of 149
“ b) An order is passed that defendant No.1 (i.e., Charlotte Anderson) is
at liberty to exercise her rights over the 9 books stated to be co-authored by her …”
For further details – please read more about this within the Website.)
With the strong Support of an extremely Dedicated Team of students of our Guruji – each member donated - their Time, Expertise and Love for our Spiritual Teacher – Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui - to this project.
Through this immensely Loving Interaction, Dedication and Belief – a new website was produced. The site is extremely simple in construction – and is intended to be a Tribute to our most Beloved and Glorious Guruji.
Today, the Fulfillment of the Original Objective of these books is being Manifested
At last they are being openly Released to Humanity – through Public Domain.
Drink Deeply from this Spring of Wisdom and Spirituality!
Please visit The Glorious Atma of Guru at: www.thegloriousatmaofguru.net
Please Freely Share these Priceless Teachings.
May Loving Blessings be to ALL without Exception!

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson
Friday, April 4, 2014
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Arhatic Yoga
A Loving Atma Namaste!
Please go to www.arhaticyoga.org - for an exciting announcement for all Practicing Yogis.
Many Loving Blessings be with All!
Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson
Please go to www.arhaticyoga.org - for an exciting announcement for all Practicing Yogis.
Many Loving Blessings be with All!

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson
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