Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Please Remember to Practice!

A Loving Atma Namaste! During these times of Turmoil, Disasters & a Disheartening variety of disturbing Press Releases - Please Remember to Practice! There are many Invocations & "Mantrams". Here is one given by Master Djwhal Khul - "for world-wide use in the critical periods of this century. FIRST STANZA Let the Forces of Light bring Illumination to (Human)kind. Let the Spirit of peace be Spread Abroad. May (People) of Goodwill - Everywhere meet in a Spirit of Cooperation. May Forgiveness on the part of All (People) be the Keynote at this time. Let Power attend the Efforts of the Great Ones. So let it be, & Help us to do our Part." - Extracted from The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Page 174 (Readers please note terminologies for "men" & "mankind" - have been modified to include all - including women:):) In Coordination with this great Group Effort to achieve - Safety, Peace & Reconciliation - "The Vajra Armor Mantra" - in a Version Chanted 108 times - has been accepted on youtube. You may now Chant at at "The Path to Arhatship" -

  Loving Blessings be with All!

 Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

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