Why does this soul call her Beloved Guruji - Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui???
According to Wikipedia - the “concept” of Guru goes back as far as the early Upanishads.
Great Gurus Transmit enormous Energy, Information & Love to their Students – which leads them along the Spiritual Path toward Enlightenment.
The role of Guru – is that of a “Spiritual Guide” – who “dispels” the Darkness of our Ignorance – through being filled with Spiritual Light …
True Gurus Radiate Spiritual Light - wherever they go –
onto whom ever is present within a certain radius.
Guru is considered to be IN Everything … Everywhere.
Gurus who have “Realized” Oneness with God … are called “God Realized” ...
Gurus or Great Spiritual Teachers belong to the World.
Gurus cannot be owned by anyone.
Nor can anyone prevent a person from devoting their life to a Spiritual Tradition – nor to their Spiritual Teacher.
Naturally - no one may legally tell a person to give up their Guru …
Nor may anyone may tell a person not to mention the Name of their Guru …
But to avoid issues of a legal nature – in support of the traumatized Indian Students – Charlotte began to call her Guruji – Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui.
This occurred because one organization in India chose to trademark numerous names (over 80 of them) – including the name of our Guru.
Therefore in 2011, a wonderful group of Indian Instructors unanimously – voted that NO ONE – could preclude them from speaking the Name of their Guruji … and voted to call their Beloved Spiritual Teacher “Maha Atma” Choa Kok Sui.
What does this mean?
In Sanskrit, the term “Maha” – means GREAT.
In Sanskrit, the term “Atma” – means SOUL.
This means that each time a student says the Name of their Guruji - they recognize with deepest respect – that their Guruji is a very Great Soul.
Guru is always in the Heart.
Guru is always First in the Life.
Guru is always One with Atma.
Guru is One with God.
Guru is One with All!
May Many Loving Blessings be with All!
PS Think this soul should Clarify - one possibly misunderstood point!
Remaining utterly Devoted to one's Guruji - should not be misinterpreted to mean that this soul continues to use Teaching Materials from ANY organization outside of those prepared for The Inner Sciences International Network of Organizations. She Exclusively uses these new materials wherever she Teaches … and has been doing so since Cutting her previous associations with other schools several years back! "After the Storm comes the New Growth!" - New Workshops continue to constantly be developed!
Boundless Blessings!

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson