Friday, May 9, 2014

Three Jewels Mantra

A Loving Atma Namaste!
She was so very attracted to this wonderful Mantra when she heard it playing in throughout the MahaBodhi Temple in Bodhgaya a few years ago.
(They even played it in their local wonderfully comfortable airport!) ...

Free copies were given (for donation only) there ... & received it as a gift.
What could be more appropriate for The Wesak than to
Take Refuge in the Three Jewels?

What does it the meaning of the Mantra?

Buddhaṃ śaraṇaṃ gacchāmi
Dharmaṃ śaraṇaṃ gacchāmi
Sanghaṃ śaraṇaṃ gacchāmi

I take Refuge in the Buddha
(I take Refuge in the Teacher)

I take Refuge in the Dharma
(I take Refuge in the Teachings)

I take Refuge in the Sangha
(I take Refuge in the Spiritual Community)

Let's Chant Together!
Infinite Loving Blessings be with All!

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Planning for the Wesak

A Loving Atma Namaste! 
There are so many ways to join the Wesak! Our Beloved Spiritual Teacher always used Lucis Trust dates for The Wesak Festival & considered them to be the most reliable. When planning in advance - prior to Lucis Trust publication of the schedule - please remember that The Wesak Festival (in our Tradition) is held on the FIRST Full Moon of Taurus - where ever that date falls in the Calendar. When there are two Full Moons in one Taurus period - "His" chosen date - is always the First Full Moon. Why is it important? This is the only day each year - that for approximately 8 minutes - especially Strong Divine Energy - is received by Our Beloved Mother Earth & by each one of us. Those of you who are Clairvoyant can "SEE" the Golden Energy descend - suffusing everyone & everything in this yearly burst of Transformative Energy. 
Please remember that this special period lasts for only approximately 8 minutes - & it usually occurs around 12-16 minutes into the Meditation itself. Please prepare. Be ready to Receive these Divine Subtle Energies. Each of us needs to become a suitable receptacle to hold the maximum benefit - so as to sustain you & your activities throughout the coming year. 
For those of you unable to be at Pottmes with us, we recommend you join at: And please remember to tune in to the Annual PPM Audio Stream at: Look for the announcement to come soon! Many Loving Blessings be with All!

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wesak Celebration

A Loving Atma Namaste! 
Preparing for The Wesak Festival Celebration Retreat - Daily!
Are you ready to Receive the Most Powerful Energy of the Year?
Please Purify Daily ... Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Actions ...
Have a Beautiful Day! See you there! Loving Blessings be to All!
BLISS & CLARITY sound good for VENUS day:

There is a famous saying: “If the mind is not contrived, it is spontaneously blissful, just as water, when not agitated, is by nature transparent and clear.”

I often compare the mind in meditation to a jar of muddy water: The more we leave the water without interfering or stirring it, the more the particles of dirt will sink to the bottom, letting the natural clarity of the water shine through. The very nature of the mind is such that if you only leave it in its unaltered and natural state, it will find its true nature, which is bliss and clarity.

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Prepare for the Wesak

A Loving Atma Namaste! 
Releasing Attachments (Letting Go!) ... 
Working day & night to Prepare for the Wesak ... 
See you there! 
Loving Blessings be with All! 

For Wesak Information go to:
Today is a NEW day!
Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson