Thursday, October 31, 2013

Coming out of the Blue...

A Loving Atma Namaste! 

Today suddenly was guided to produce a new Handout for The Path to Arhatship - for the upcoming Workshop.

Suddenly "Out of the Blue" - it just poured out of this Consciousness .... & 10-11 hours later it was done!
So many Blessings ...
So much Energy flowing through - during this process!
Infinite Gratitude, Respect & Love to the Spiritual Teacher ...
May Loving Blessings be with All!

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Be Aware in this Present Moment

A Loving Atma Namaste! 
Let Go ... & Be Aware in this Present Moment ...
With Gratitude Respect & Love ...
Loving Blessings be with All!
If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to.
— Lao Tzu

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

Truly Priceless

A Loving Atma Namaste! 
Can you identify - the things in your life that are Truly Priceless?
For this soul - The Spiritual Teacher & The Teachings - which for her are ONE.
When you know the Teachings ... you know the Teacher ...
Spiritually there is Only Oneness!
Loving Blessing be with All!
Spend your time on something worthy of your time

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

Monday, October 28, 2013

Daily practise

A Loving Atma Namaste! 
Clear away the Weeds in your life, Walk the Path of your choice Daily ... Smile & Spread the Light!
May All Beings be Happy!
Infinite Loving Blessings be with All!
When you plant seeds in the
garden, you don’t dig them up
every day to see if they have
sprouted yet. You simply water
them and clear away the weeds;
you know that the seeds will grow
in time. Similarly, just do your daily
practice and cultivate a kind heart.
Abandon impatience and instead be
content creating the causes for
goodness; the results will come
when they’re ready.

— Thubten Chodron

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

Thursday, October 17, 2013

About Forgiveness

A Loving Atma Namaste! 
Today will focus on Practicing Forgiveness.
Will request Forgiveness from all of those whom this personality has carelessly hurt - & Will extend Forgiveness toward all who have hurt this personality ... May there be only Peace, Loving Kindness & Reconciliation with All! Infinite Loving Blessings be with All!
Today's Message - Have you reacted poorly to a situation in the past and now regret your behavior? 
Have you said or done something that has now come back to haunt you? 
Have you rendered a disservice to another, intentionally or otherwise, that's keeping you from moving forward? 
Are you visiting the same old argument for the hundredth time with no resolution? 
Are you wondering, how can I fix this? 
The first thing you must do is set aside your pride and defenses and acknowledge your mistakes. But don't make the punishment worse than the crime by languishing in remorse or paralyzing yourself with righteous self-defense. 
Your soul's purpose right now is to be open and fully accountable for your behavior toward everyone by practicing the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 
Your soul's lesson: Quickly admit your errors and seek to correct them to the best of your ability without causing further harm to others. 
Ask your Higher Self for support with this process as you apologize, ask forgiveness, and make amends. Take action to reverse any damage you've done, and mean what you say. 
Then learn from your experience and let it go, because your karma will be complete. ~♥~
Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Love makes your life blossom.

A Loving Atma Namaste! 
Loving (without Attachment) & Working daily & diligently on New Materials - with the Team!  
May this Work become the Beautiful Blossoms of 2014 & beyond! 
So Be It!
Infinite Loving Blessings be with All!
Love makes your life blossom.

We Are Human Angels the book 

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

Friday, October 11, 2013

Feeling the Subtile Energies

A Loving Atma Namaste! 
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! 
Loving Blessings be to All!

Feeling the Subtile Energies
Institut Vital durchs Lebens Foto

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi

A Loving Atma Namaste!
Today being the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi ... has brought to mind the great enjoyment of our Beloved Teacher for the 1972 Franco Zeffirelli film Brother Sun, Sister Moon - about the life of St.Francis. The Teacher bought many copies of the film, & gifted them to a number of lucky people. Sometimes He would hum these tunes, so we & some others copied down the words for him to sing.
It is our impression this was one way in which He deeply contemplated the life of this great Saint - whose Prayer is used in both in the Christian Tradition, with a similar version as a Du'aa in the Sufi Tradition.
Many of us still Practice this Prayer everyday - as The Planetary Meditation for Peace ...
One song favorite song is in this youtube version ...
Here are a few links ... for some of the other lovely tunes from this movie.
May they help to lead you into greater Oneness with both St. Francis and with our Beloved Guruji.
May Loving Blessings be with All!

Brother Sun, Sister Moon Theme Song - Finding the Church:

The Building of the Church - "If you want your dream to be ..."

Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

21st Anniversary first time in Rio de Janeiro

A Loving Atma Namaste! 
Tomorrow is the 21st Anniversary of our Beloved Teacher's FIRST time in Rio de Janeiro Brasil! Isn't it Fantastic! Let's Celebrate! 
Infinite Loving Blessings be with All!


Source: Facebook Charlotte Anderson