Monday, November 30, 2009
PPM Planetary Peace Movement Internation
Planetary Peace Movement is an international organization founded in 1998 by Master Choa Kok Sui with co-founder Charlotte Anderson to promote world peace and harmony through the Planetary Meditation for Peace.
The Planetary Meditation for Peace is a non-sectarian meditation that is practiced in over 70 countries throughout the world. This powerful universal meditation or prayer, can be used by almost anyone desiring to contribute loving energy toward achieving Global Harmony and World Peace.
Many religions and philosophies of numerous traditions state: "It is in giving that we will receive!" According to the Teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui, the same concept is true of Blessing. He teaches that when we Bless other people; our lives will likewise be Blessed.
In the Planetary Meditation for Peace, Master Choa used phrases from the "Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi" in order to project maximum Blessings to all of the people on the Planet Earth.
The Planetary Meditation for Peace was originally produced under the title ”Meditation on Twin Hearts". "Twin Hearts" refers to the activation of the Heart and Crown Energy Centers. The Heart Center is associated with Human Love and with caring for our fellow human beings. The Crown Center, also known as 'Our Spiritual Heart,' is considered to be the Center for Divine Love. The activation of the Crown Energy Center leads a practitioner to heightened Spiritual Consciousness or awareness of his/her Spiritual Nature.
By simply concentrating on these two energy centers simultaneously, they become activated and one may experience being filled with Universal Divine Love. It is also reported that many practitioners of the meditation frequently experience an intense sense of connection (unity) or "Oneness" with everyone and everything.
Benefits of the Planetary Meditation for Peace include better health, reduced stress, greater productivity, happier relationships, increased calmness and inner tranquility. The Planetary Meditation for Peace brings peace, joy, healing, reconciliation and transformation on many levels.
When regularly practiced, The Planetary Meditation for Peace may be used as a form of Service to Humanity as one becomes a channel for Divine Blessings to flow to the entire earth and all of humanity.
Planetary Peace Movement
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Science of Tithing
A Loving Atma Namaste!
There are many ways to stop hunger.
Pranic Healers & Arhatic Yogis regularly contribute to Humanitarian causes globally ...
We do this in order to increase our Good Karma & to reduce our Ancient Negative Karma.
Tithing is Scientific!
What we give we will receive ...
If we give food ... we will not be hungry.
If we give love & emotional support ... we will receive love & emotional support.
Please remember the important words of MCKS:
"What you waste will be taken from you..."
Residents of the Philippines, India & parts of Africa know that nearly every time our bodies set foot outside the front door ... a hungry homeless person is there ...
Please contribute generously to those who need support, nourishment & nurturing ... be Divinely Blessed ...
With Infinite Loving Blessings ...
PS Please don't forget to DECREE after Tithing!!!
The Good Karma generated is thereby increased many, many times!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Take a moment ...
A Lovng Atma Namaste!
Please pause & take a moment to consider:
What have you done for our Beloved Guruji Today?
Did you "Practice Diligently?"
Did you "Purify Yourself?"
Did you do something ACTIVE to "Spread the Teachings?"
Be ONE with the MIND of the Teacher...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Meditate 24/7
Please meditate daily...
The PPM Audio Stream is available 24/7 ... without charge ... to all people ...
It is easy to join the hundred's of global meditators in Practicing the Meditation on Twin Hearts (also known as "The Planetary Meditation for Peace"), & other wonderful Healing Meditations lead by our own Beloved Guruji, Master Choa Kok Sui.
In the online PPM Archive you will find many short talks about Pranic Activities - presented by various dedicated students of MCKS from around the world.
You may also join the PPM e-group (Subscribe PPM Audio Stream) ... in order to be regularly updated on special events & regular new additions to this site.
The PPM Audio Stream website strongly supports the monitoring of our personal relationship with our Sat Guru - through regular "Diligent Practice" or Sadhana & through actively "Spreading the Teachings" of Master Choa Kok Sui.
Please visit the PPM Audio Stream website regularly.
Blessings be to All!
>> PPM Audio Stream Website
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Experiences are not bad or good
A Loving Atma Namaste!
Experiences are not bad or good. They are simply experiences... & they pass by in a flash - in the scale of Eternity!
Retain your equanimity ... your composure do not become entangled in outcomes ... or become overly attached to your desires ... Nothing can hurt you ... All we need to do is to FOCUS our attention on the Teacher! Just BE CONNECTED to your Master!
Love & Blessings
Friday, November 6, 2009
Follow His "Simple Instructions"
A Loving Atma Namaste!
It is always inspiring to see how much of a difference it makes when all of us are working together & follow His "Simple Instructions"!!
When there is less focus on the "I" ... & the predominant focus is always on HIM, on our Beloved Sat Guru Dev & on His Teachings ...
Then on every level ... Physically, Etherically, Emotionally, Mentally & Spiritually ... Transformation of the Soul automatically occurs!
When we allow the Teacher to be Omnipresent in our hearts, in our minds & in our Lives ... Then we are uplifted, healed & our degree of connectedness with the Teacher constantly is sustained & it continuously increases.
May the Profound Blessings of Master Choa continue to nurture & guide each of us in every thought, in each spoken word & in each action ... throughout every day! So Be It!!
Thinking of you with Loads of Love...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
OM The Divine Sound
"Om" the Divine Sound, The Sound of Creation ...
“In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, & the Word was God."
John 1:1
“In the beginning was Brahman, With whom was the Word, & the Word was truly the Supreme Brahman.”
Rig Veda
“The Word of Isvarah (God) is AUM or OM.”
Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Book 1 Verse 27
OM is the Divine Sound.
Repeating the Mantra OM elevates the Consciousness.
The mental body, emotional body, & energy body become brighter & their rate of frequency increases.
When used regularly the Mantra OM may be used to purify the incarnated soul.
When a person has psychological pain, or hurt or problems, the regular chanting of OM may help over the long term.
The Mantra OM may be used interchangeably with AMIN & AMEN.
Try doing an experiment.
Simply chant OM very slowly twelve times.
After you’ve finished, try feeling hatred, or anger, or try criticizing other people.
You will notice it is not that easy because your Consciousness has been lifted to a Higher Level.
Loving Blessings be with All
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Amma - Our Mother - Our Gurupatni
Our Gurupatni, our Mother Charlotte Anderson (Amma) visited Masterminds Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga center in Miryalguda, A.P. on 04.08.2009 and blessed our teams and organizers who are serving MCKS.
Amma spent 2 hours in our center, taught us many things about MASTER.
Amma showed us rare photographs and videos of Master.
Amma made us mediate on PPM playing a rare video of Master.
About Mother:
Charlotte Anderson was the Spiritual Consort of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui for more than 12 years. She was the Editor, Compiler and Transcriber of His most recent Books. Our Satguru permitted her to conduct all of his workshops all over the Globe. She co-founded the Planetary Peace Movement International with Grand Master Choa in 1998 and is the founder of Endowment fund for World Peace and Global Healing in the USA. She also founded Pranic Healing European Charitable Foundation. She is now predominantly teaching in Europe including Central & Eastern Europe. She was trained by Master in all GMCKS workshops.
Thanks to Amma for visiting our Center and blessing us.
In Master`s service
krishna mohan
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
"Gurupadmam" is a sanskrit term from the Indian spiritual tradition.
"Gurupadmam" means Lotus of the Guru.
In ancient times all the saints who were called „Guru“ were married.
A Guru's Spiritual Consort is known as "Guru Pathni" or "Guru Matha" (Mother Guru).
Respect for her is equal to that of ones real mother.
In ancient times these Gurus lived in forests and their schools where called "Gurukul".
The students had to stay in the "Gurukul", which may be interpreted to mean a „Residential School“.
When the Guru nurtured the students with Knowledge, the Guru Pathni nurtured them with food for their physical bodies.
The Guru Pathni is considered to be a caretaker to the students with care similar to that of a beloved mother.
Now we can see this in our "Amma" Charlotte Anderson.
The Guru Matha is considered quite knowledgeable as she helps the students to spiritually evolve.
A Gurupadmam lives a life of service to the Guru.
And cares for the students.
This is Guru Maa "Srimath Sharadha Devi", who was the wife of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, the Guru of Swami Vivekananda.
One interesting story can be shared about her intuition and intellect with regard to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa.
When Swami Vivekananda decided to participate in the Chicago World Spiritual Consortium, he went to "Shrimathi Sharadha Devi" to inform her about his journey.
He told her "Mathaji, I am going to participate in the World Consortium".
But Mathaji immediately asked him to take the knife which was lying next to him.
Swami Vivekananda took it and gave it to her.
Then she said "Now you can go for the Consortium, you are eligible to leave".
Swami Vivekananda became curious about her reaction.
Mother guessed this and she responded, "When you take the knife in the hand, you hold the sharpest side toward you and the handle side toward me.
This shows your "safety conscious" (awareness) toward others. You do this, so you will not harm others. This is how you are eligible to attend this event".
This story shows how Gurupadmams act.
We see the same qualities in our "Amma" Charlotte Anderson.
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