Thursday, December 17, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
A Divine Romance
Krishna's love affair with Radha is perhaps the most controversial in the Epics...
She had a steady job, a family, a husband... she left all that and went after Krishna!
She was older than Krishna, that fact alone disqualifies her.
In fact there are certain sects of Hindus who do not believe that she even existed, because the entire romance is a slap in the face of all traditions and systems.
But there is a secret here: Radha means longing, Krishna fulfillment.
So she has to be older than Him.
First there has to be longing, only then can fulfillment dawn.
She had all this family and job etc., which she left for Krishna...
This means that all of us have the Longing for the Divine, but we try to fill that with material things, and it never gets filled... it only intensifies.
When Krishna (the Divine) comes into our lives then we need to let go of all that, just as Radha did and soak in the Bliss of being with the Divine!
If we turn the word Radha around, it become Dhara, which means to flow away.
Opposite of flowing away is flowing towards.
Radha means flowing towards... and flowing towards whom?
Govind! Go in Sanskrit stands for Knowledge. Go-vind is the Giver of Knowledge.
So instead of our mind flowing away into the maya of the world, flow towards Govind... the Giver of Knowledge!
This is what Radhe Govind means!
Gopal means the protector of Knowledge, the preserver of Knowledge.
Go can also mean "way" and so Go-pal becomes the one who protects you on the "way", on the path...
Radhe Gopal, is Go to the one who will protect you, take care of you on your journey through Life...
Radhe Govind, Radhe Gopal, Radhe Krishna!
How the epics have guarded these great secrets in simple beautiful stories!
And How very fortunate we all are that we have Guruji to decode these secrets for us and make them applicable and relevant even in this age of the technology!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Story of Radha and Lord Krishna
Krishna was relaxing with his many wives, Rukmini his head wife threw a tantrum…
All the time i hear Radhe Krishna, Radhe Govind… she is not even married to you… how come no one sings about Rukmini, or for that matter any of the other of your wives?!
Whats wrong with us?
Whats wrong with us?
Krishna listened patiently and then suddenly held his head and complained of a head ache.
Now Rukmini felt sorry, and became all loving and docile again… but the head ache refused to go…
Each wife had her own suggestion about what to do… some pressed feet, others did some aroma therapy, still others made pastes from herbs… 16000+ cures were presented, none worked, his head ache only grew worse…
Narada the travelling Muni then made an appearance (Besides being a Muni, he was also something of a doctor) and he examined Krishna, felt his pulse, etc. and then proclaimed that Krishna was suffering from a very rare type of a headache … one that could only be cured by a Beloved of Krishna putting his or her foot on Krishna’s head…
Krishna was in bed moaning softly, and the wives and the courtiers of the palace had a conference…
They were all beloved of Krishna, but none dared to put their foot on the Lord’s head, doing so would mean an eternity in Hell!
And they were pondering and wondering what to do…
They were all beloved of Krishna, but none dared to put their foot on the Lord’s head, doing so would mean an eternity in Hell!
And they were pondering and wondering what to do…
… and the news reached Radha in Vrindavan about Krishna’s ill health and she rushed to his palace and when appraised of everything, asked immidiately to be taken to Krishna, she would happily put her foot on His head…
Rukmini, the other wives and the rest of the palace was aghast at her quick decision…
Rukmini herself told her that if she Radha did that, she would burn in hell forever…
Rukmini, the other wives and the rest of the palace was aghast at her quick decision…
Rukmini herself told her that if she Radha did that, she would burn in hell forever…

If my Lord gets even one second of relief from his pain, then i will willingly go to hell forever said Radha as she ran to her Krishna and put her foot on his head, curing Him completely…
An abashed Rukmini along with all the other wives touched Radha’s feet and realised how deep her love for Krishna was… and why people for centuries to come will sing Radhe Krishna!!
May our love for Guruji be like Radha’s love for Krishna!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
PPM Planetary Peace Movement Internation
Planetary Peace Movement is an international organization founded in 1998 by Master Choa Kok Sui with co-founder Charlotte Anderson to promote world peace and harmony through the Planetary Meditation for Peace.
The Planetary Meditation for Peace is a non-sectarian meditation that is practiced in over 70 countries throughout the world. This powerful universal meditation or prayer, can be used by almost anyone desiring to contribute loving energy toward achieving Global Harmony and World Peace.
Many religions and philosophies of numerous traditions state: "It is in giving that we will receive!" According to the Teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui, the same concept is true of Blessing. He teaches that when we Bless other people; our lives will likewise be Blessed.
In the Planetary Meditation for Peace, Master Choa used phrases from the "Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi" in order to project maximum Blessings to all of the people on the Planet Earth.
The Planetary Meditation for Peace was originally produced under the title ”Meditation on Twin Hearts". "Twin Hearts" refers to the activation of the Heart and Crown Energy Centers. The Heart Center is associated with Human Love and with caring for our fellow human beings. The Crown Center, also known as 'Our Spiritual Heart,' is considered to be the Center for Divine Love. The activation of the Crown Energy Center leads a practitioner to heightened Spiritual Consciousness or awareness of his/her Spiritual Nature.
By simply concentrating on these two energy centers simultaneously, they become activated and one may experience being filled with Universal Divine Love. It is also reported that many practitioners of the meditation frequently experience an intense sense of connection (unity) or "Oneness" with everyone and everything.
Benefits of the Planetary Meditation for Peace include better health, reduced stress, greater productivity, happier relationships, increased calmness and inner tranquility. The Planetary Meditation for Peace brings peace, joy, healing, reconciliation and transformation on many levels.
When regularly practiced, The Planetary Meditation for Peace may be used as a form of Service to Humanity as one becomes a channel for Divine Blessings to flow to the entire earth and all of humanity.
Planetary Peace Movement
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Science of Tithing
A Loving Atma Namaste!
There are many ways to stop hunger.
Pranic Healers & Arhatic Yogis regularly contribute to Humanitarian causes globally ...
We do this in order to increase our Good Karma & to reduce our Ancient Negative Karma.
Tithing is Scientific!
What we give we will receive ...
If we give food ... we will not be hungry.
If we give love & emotional support ... we will receive love & emotional support.
Please remember the important words of MCKS:
"What you waste will be taken from you..."
Residents of the Philippines, India & parts of Africa know that nearly every time our bodies set foot outside the front door ... a hungry homeless person is there ...
Please contribute generously to those who need support, nourishment & nurturing ... be Divinely Blessed ...
With Infinite Loving Blessings ...
PS Please don't forget to DECREE after Tithing!!!
The Good Karma generated is thereby increased many, many times!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Take a moment ...
A Lovng Atma Namaste!
Please pause & take a moment to consider:
What have you done for our Beloved Guruji Today?
Did you "Practice Diligently?"
Did you "Purify Yourself?"
Did you do something ACTIVE to "Spread the Teachings?"
Be ONE with the MIND of the Teacher...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Meditate 24/7
Please meditate daily...
The PPM Audio Stream is available 24/7 ... without charge ... to all people ...
It is easy to join the hundred's of global meditators in Practicing the Meditation on Twin Hearts (also known as "The Planetary Meditation for Peace"), & other wonderful Healing Meditations lead by our own Beloved Guruji, Master Choa Kok Sui.
In the online PPM Archive you will find many short talks about Pranic Activities - presented by various dedicated students of MCKS from around the world.
You may also join the PPM e-group (Subscribe PPM Audio Stream) ... in order to be regularly updated on special events & regular new additions to this site.
The PPM Audio Stream website strongly supports the monitoring of our personal relationship with our Sat Guru - through regular "Diligent Practice" or Sadhana & through actively "Spreading the Teachings" of Master Choa Kok Sui.
Please visit the PPM Audio Stream website regularly.
Blessings be to All!
>> PPM Audio Stream Website
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Experiences are not bad or good
A Loving Atma Namaste!
Experiences are not bad or good. They are simply experiences... & they pass by in a flash - in the scale of Eternity!
Retain your equanimity ... your composure do not become entangled in outcomes ... or become overly attached to your desires ... Nothing can hurt you ... All we need to do is to FOCUS our attention on the Teacher! Just BE CONNECTED to your Master!
Love & Blessings
Friday, November 6, 2009
Follow His "Simple Instructions"
A Loving Atma Namaste!
It is always inspiring to see how much of a difference it makes when all of us are working together & follow His "Simple Instructions"!!
When there is less focus on the "I" ... & the predominant focus is always on HIM, on our Beloved Sat Guru Dev & on His Teachings ...
Then on every level ... Physically, Etherically, Emotionally, Mentally & Spiritually ... Transformation of the Soul automatically occurs!
When we allow the Teacher to be Omnipresent in our hearts, in our minds & in our Lives ... Then we are uplifted, healed & our degree of connectedness with the Teacher constantly is sustained & it continuously increases.
May the Profound Blessings of Master Choa continue to nurture & guide each of us in every thought, in each spoken word & in each action ... throughout every day! So Be It!!
Thinking of you with Loads of Love...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
OM The Divine Sound
"Om" the Divine Sound, The Sound of Creation ...
“In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, & the Word was God."
John 1:1
“In the beginning was Brahman, With whom was the Word, & the Word was truly the Supreme Brahman.”
Rig Veda
“The Word of Isvarah (God) is AUM or OM.”
Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Book 1 Verse 27
OM is the Divine Sound.
Repeating the Mantra OM elevates the Consciousness.
The mental body, emotional body, & energy body become brighter & their rate of frequency increases.
When used regularly the Mantra OM may be used to purify the incarnated soul.
When a person has psychological pain, or hurt or problems, the regular chanting of OM may help over the long term.
The Mantra OM may be used interchangeably with AMIN & AMEN.
Try doing an experiment.
Simply chant OM very slowly twelve times.
After you’ve finished, try feeling hatred, or anger, or try criticizing other people.
You will notice it is not that easy because your Consciousness has been lifted to a Higher Level.
Loving Blessings be with All
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Amma - Our Mother - Our Gurupatni
Our Gurupatni, our Mother Charlotte Anderson (Amma) visited Masterminds Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga center in Miryalguda, A.P. on 04.08.2009 and blessed our teams and organizers who are serving MCKS.
Amma spent 2 hours in our center, taught us many things about MASTER.
Amma showed us rare photographs and videos of Master.
Amma made us mediate on PPM playing a rare video of Master.
About Mother:
Charlotte Anderson was the Spiritual Consort of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui for more than 12 years. She was the Editor, Compiler and Transcriber of His most recent Books. Our Satguru permitted her to conduct all of his workshops all over the Globe. She co-founded the Planetary Peace Movement International with Grand Master Choa in 1998 and is the founder of Endowment fund for World Peace and Global Healing in the USA. She also founded Pranic Healing European Charitable Foundation. She is now predominantly teaching in Europe including Central & Eastern Europe. She was trained by Master in all GMCKS workshops.
Thanks to Amma for visiting our Center and blessing us.
In Master`s service
krishna mohan
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
"Gurupadmam" is a sanskrit term from the Indian spiritual tradition.
"Gurupadmam" means Lotus of the Guru.
In ancient times all the saints who were called „Guru“ were married.
A Guru's Spiritual Consort is known as "Guru Pathni" or "Guru Matha" (Mother Guru).
Respect for her is equal to that of ones real mother.
In ancient times these Gurus lived in forests and their schools where called "Gurukul".
The students had to stay in the "Gurukul", which may be interpreted to mean a „Residential School“.
When the Guru nurtured the students with Knowledge, the Guru Pathni nurtured them with food for their physical bodies.
The Guru Pathni is considered to be a caretaker to the students with care similar to that of a beloved mother.
Now we can see this in our "Amma" Charlotte Anderson.
The Guru Matha is considered quite knowledgeable as she helps the students to spiritually evolve.
A Gurupadmam lives a life of service to the Guru.
And cares for the students.
This is Guru Maa "Srimath Sharadha Devi", who was the wife of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, the Guru of Swami Vivekananda.
One interesting story can be shared about her intuition and intellect with regard to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa.
When Swami Vivekananda decided to participate in the Chicago World Spiritual Consortium, he went to "Shrimathi Sharadha Devi" to inform her about his journey.
He told her "Mathaji, I am going to participate in the World Consortium".
But Mathaji immediately asked him to take the knife which was lying next to him.
Swami Vivekananda took it and gave it to her.
Then she said "Now you can go for the Consortium, you are eligible to leave".
Swami Vivekananda became curious about her reaction.
Mother guessed this and she responded, "When you take the knife in the hand, you hold the sharpest side toward you and the handle side toward me.
This shows your "safety conscious" (awareness) toward others. You do this, so you will not harm others. This is how you are eligible to attend this event".
This story shows how Gurupadmams act.
We see the same qualities in our "Amma" Charlotte Anderson.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The three forces of life - Indian Express Newspaperinterview with Charlotte Anderson
We have an abundance of iccha shakti, which gives us our many desires. At a recent workshop, pranic healers were taught how to fulfill them says Swahilya Shambhavi .
First Published : 13 Sep 2009 12:40:00 AM IST
I life on earth is and will be because of three forces. Iccha shakti is the first, the energy that manifests as thought in the mind.
Kriya shakti is the second which is the energy that drives you to action and gnana shakti is the third that is the energy of wisdom to choose the right desires.
Of the three — iccha shakti is in abundance in all of us driven by innumerable desires for this and that. You may wish to buy a big bungalow but you may not have the gnana shakti to know if the desire is within your means and the kriya shakti to fulfill that desire. The Tamil Nadu Pranic Healing Foundation took on this challenge and conducted a workshop on kriya shakti, for advanced level pranic healers in Chennai.
Charlotte Anderson, who was present with Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of a global energy healing technique called Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga, at all his retreats and workshops for over 12 years, was in the city recently to conduct the workshop.
The spiritual consort of the Master, she was the editor, compiler and transcriber of his most recent books.
She founded the Planetary Peace Movement International with the Master in 1998 and is the founder of the Endowment fund for world peace and global healing in the United States . She also founded the Pranic Healing European Charitable Foundation. She is now predominantly teaching in Europe .

Arhatic Yoga is a spiritual system that provides a method to accelerate the evolution of the soul. The Indian culture is spiritually advanced, so it is not surprising that many of the techniques of Master Choa Kok Sui, have roots in ancient cultures or that Master Choa Kok Sui who had a mind trained as scientist, who is also Master of Energy, understand how to synthesize and integrate these techniques into a functional methodology that can be used by practationers from many traditions and religions.
Dr D.Ramesh, head of the Tamil Nadu Pranic Healing Foundation, is a maxillofacial surgeon who uses this as a complementary therapy with surgery with lesser medication, complications and lesser hospital expenses. Some ailments have no answer in allopathy.
When you treat the visible physical body, along with the invisible energy body, the healing is faster, he says. There are two lakh pranic healers in India and 25,000 basic-level healers in Tamil Nadu.
Kriyashakti is a course that helps the participants increase abundance, prosperity and success, and to achieve dreams and goals. The focus of this workshop is to apply spiritual technology that will improve the quality of our working relationships and to increase an understanding that we are responsible for generating positive karma through good action in our lives.
Speaking on abundance, Charlotte says the Law of Karma tells us that money comes back to us when we give. “When you give love and good emotions and you receive them:. If you give money you will receive money.
“By using right thoughts, right speech and right action, one can be constantly aware of one’s efforts, speech and action to generate positive karma,” she says.
The Planetary Peace Movement operates in over 100 countries. The Indian group is headed by Kombli Rajagopal and Nalini Ramesh. They have successfully taken the 'Twin Hearts Meditation,' taught by the Master to over 100,000 people in schools, universities and workplaces. This meditation was given to all people who are interested in achieving World Peace and Global Harmony.
( broadcasts this all over the world through the internet free of charge between 2 am and 2 pm).
The Endowment Fund for World Peace and Global Healing donates money to charitable organizations and helps people to get 'back on track' through liveihood programs, disaster relief and promotes prayer and meditation for World Peace.
Many projects of Master Choa Kok Sui, such as Food for the Hungry in India have assisterd in restructuring livelihood for tsunami-hit fishermen go outward to all people --- to spread the message of Master Choa Kok Sui's active compassion in order to help humanity.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Golden Lotus Sutras of Master Choa Kok Sui
„The Golden Lotus Sutras of Master Choa Kok Sui“ is a compilation of notes taken during nearly ten years of lectures given by Master Choa Kok Sui.
Deepest Gratitude to "Gurupadmam" Charlotte Anderson for compiling and editing „The Golden Lotus Sutras“ during all this years.
Through her Dedication to the Teacher and her tireless effort we are very happy today to have the Teachings available and we can read them again and again and every time there will be revealed more deeper meanings to us.
Seven books are in the Golden Lotus Sutra Collection.
Each one refers to a specific Topic.
1. Beyond the Mind - On Meditation
2. Experiencing Being - On Life
3. Possible Miracles - On Pranic Healing
4. Compassionate Objectivity - On Character Building
5. Inspired Action - On Teaching
6. Achieve the Impossible - On Spiritual Business Management
7. Creative Transformation - On Spiritual Practice
Beyond the Mind - On Meditation
On the Existence of God
On Meditation
On Meditation TechniquesOn Purification
On Arhatic Yoga
On Namaste
On Meditation on Twin Hearts
On Understanding
On the Soul
On Achieving Oneness
For deeper understanding of the Sutras we recommend the Course „Arhatic Yoga Preparatory Level“.
Institute for Inner Studies Publishing Foundation, Inc.
Experiencing Being - On Life

ISBN 9-719281-86-3
On Yang and Yin
On Yang and Yin
On Life and Crisis
On Anger and Criticism
On Forgiveness
On Relationship
On Love
On Death and Dying
On the World
On Anger and Criticism
On Forgiveness
On Relationship
On Love
On Death and Dying
On the World
For deeper understanding of the Sutras we recommend the Course „Arhatic Yoga Preparatory Level“.
Possible Miracles - On Pranic Healing
On Pranic Healing
On Healing
On Self-Healing
On Technique
On becoming a powerful Healer
On preventive Healing
On the Properties and Applications of Colour Pranas
On Pranic Crystal Healing
On Pranic Psychotherapy
For deeper understanding of the Sutras we recommend the Pranic Healing – Courses.
Institute for Inner Studies Publishing Foundation, Inc.
Compassionate Objectivity - On Characterbuilding

ISBN 9-719281-85-5
Character Building is a manifestation of your spiritual development.
Character is the manifestation of the degree of Soul Contact. When you are out of Balance, the connection between you and your Higher Soul becomes minimal.
When Soul Connection is not strong, the Chakras, rather than the Soul, control the lower bodies. Ask “Who is the boss, the Soul or the Chakras?”
Stop identifying yourself with the physical body! When you no longer identify yourself with the physical body, this attitude will activate your Spiritual Development. It will become easier to control your Chakras.
The Virtues are given to guide you. The development of the virtues must be balanced. Development of one Virtue is dependent on all the other Virtues. The Chakras and the Virtues are connected.
The more you develop your Virtues, the stronger your connection to God will become.
The law of nature requires Balance. Your life should be balanced.
A good person is not completely good nor is a bad person completely bad.
Vices are also Energy. They can be disintegrated.
For deeper understanding of the Sutras we recommend the Course „Arhatic Yoga Preparatory Level“.
Institute for Inner Studies Publishing Foundation, Inc.
Achieve the Impossible - On Spiritual Business Management

ISBN 9-710376-03-9
On Kriyashakti
On Manifestation
On Thought Power
On Karma
On Money
On Business
On Pranic Corporate Management
On Management by Seven Rays
On the Management System of each Ray
On Targets
On Risks
On Pranic Feng Shui
On Thought Power
On Karma
On Money
On Business
On Pranic Corporate Management
On Management by Seven Rays
On the Management System of each Ray
On Targets
On Risks
On Pranic Feng Shui
For deeper understanding of the Sutras we recommend the Course "MCKS Spiritual Business Management“.
Institute for Inner Studies Publishing Foundation, Inc.
Creative Transformation - On Spiritual Practice

ISBN 9-719281-88-X
On Conductivity
On Spiritual Practice
On Development
On Mantras
On Evolution
On Detachment
On Suffering
On Pride
On Humility
On Reading
On Karma Yoga
and much more …
For deeper understanding of the Sutras we recommend the Course
MCKS Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul
MCKS Hinduism revealed and
MCKS Arhatic Yoga Preparatory Level
Institute for Inner Studies Publishing Foundation, Inc.
Institute for Inner Studies Publishing Foundation, Inc.
Die Goldenen Lotus Sutras von Master Choa Kok Sui
„Die Goldenen Lotus Sutras von Master Choa Kok Sui“ sind eine Sammlung von Mitschriften, die im Laufe von nahezu zehn Jahren aus Vorträgen von Master Choa Kok Sui zusammengestellt wurden.
Unser innigster Dank gilt „Gurupadmam“ Charlotte Anderson Choachuy für das Sammeln, Zusammenstellen und Bearbeiten der „Golden Lotus Sutras“ in all diesen Jahren.
Durch ihre Hingabe an den Lehrer und ihre unermüdliche Anstrengung sind wir heute in der glücklichen Lage, die Lehren verfügbar zu haben und wir können sie wieder und wieder lesen. Jedesmal werden uns weitere, tiefere Bedeutungen enthüllt.
Die Sammlung „Golden Lotus Sutras“ besteht aus sieben Büchern.
Jedes Einzelne bezieht sich auf ein spezielles Thema.
1. Jenseits des Verstandes - Ãœber Meditation
2. Erfahrungen des Seins - Ãœber das Leben
3. Wunder sind möglich - Über Pranic Healing
4. Mitfühlende Sachlichkeit - Über Charakterbildung
5. Inspiriertes Handeln - Ãœber Lehren
6. Unmögliches erreichen - Über spirituelle Unternehmensführung
7. Kreative Transformation - Ãœber spirituelle Praxis
Erschienen im Innere Studien Verlags AG
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Humanity through Meditation - Life Positive May 2009 India
Charlotte Anderson, the spiritual consort of Master Choa Kok Sui, founder of modern pranic healing, is going around the world with the planetary peace movement (ppm), to help shift the world to oneness
by Nandini Murali
The collective meditation is part of a global initiative to promote peace and harmony – the Planetary Peace Movement International (PPMI). PPMI was founded in the Philippines in 1998 by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, founder of modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga ( a synthesis of hatha yoga, bhakti yoga, raja yoga, kundalini yoga, and arhatic dhyan) and Charlotte Anderson. Planetary Peace Meditation is being practised today in 70 countries worldwide.
>> read more
Planetary Peace Movement works towards making meditation for peace accessible to as many people as possible and ushering a holistic individual and global revolution that aims at oneness, through an expansion of individual and collective consciousness.
“In the early 1990s, we were on a tour of the Balkan state of Latvia, and Master Choa asked this body, ‘What’s the fastest way to promote world peace?’, recalls Charlotte Anderson, Master Choa’s spiritual consort and a spiritual teacher herself. Anderson was stumped, and deflected the question back to Master Choa.
“PPM – Planetary Peace Movement! It’s a way for people of the world to pray and meditate for world peace,” replied Master Choa with finality.
Living as we do in turbulent times, Master Choa’s inspiration was clearly an idea whose time had come. The essence of the Planetary Peace meditation is the meditation on Twin Hearts or meditation on Loving Kindness (metta in Buddhism). The twin hearts here refer to the heart chakra (the seat of higher emotions such as emotional love, joy, compassion, mercy, and kindness) and the crown chakra (seat of Divine love or oneness). According to Master Choa Kok Sui, these chakras are the gateway for expanding consciousness, with activation of the heart chakra being a prerequisite to experiencing higher states of consciousness.
“By blessing the whole Earth with loving kindness, you are in turn blessed many times. It is in blessing that you are blessed. It is in giving that you receive. This is the law!” writes Master Choa Kok Sui in Achieving Oneness with Your Higher Soul.
The Planetary Peace Movement made its foray into India in 2003 when it introduced PP meditation in schools. Kombli Rajagopal, managing trustee, Planetary Peace Movement, India, was instrumental in making the meditation accessible to schoolchildren. Currently, she has imparted the meditation technique to 2,00,000 schoolchildren in India.
“Children love it. The energy generated when children meditate is very different. It makes me want to cry. Both parents and teachers have observed that the children are better behaved and score 25 to 30 per cent higher in tests and exams after regular practice of Twin Hearts meditation,” remarks Kombli Rajagopal, who formerly taught English at college. The initiative is popular in other Indian cities such as New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, and Hyderabad.
By Blessing the whole Earth with loving kindness, you are in turn blessed many times Nalini Ramesh, Leader, PPM, Chennai, has taught the meditation to more than 50,000 schoolchildren in the city. She admits that initially she encounters considerable resistance from school principals to implement such a programme, but it soon gives way to enthusiastic endorsement and support once the tangible results are there for all to see. The spin-offs of teaching the meditation have reverberated in Nalini Ramesh’s life too. The homemaker reports increased self-confidence, inner strength, and newly acquired skills of public speaking for someone who was stage shy. “Teaching this meditation is a form of world service. What you sow, you shall receive,” adds Nalini Ramesh.
Paradoxically, the benefits are not just confined to an intangible global peace and goodwill but also percolate to the individual level. These include inner peace, greater psychological stability due to cleansing of auras and chakras, accellerated spiritual growth and development, enhancement of intuitive intelligence, and increased mental cognitive intelligence due to the brain and nervous system being energised.
The experiences of teachers and students validate these scientifically proven truths. For instance, students and teachers are unanimous that the meditation has increased their clarity, focus, and filled them with joy and happiness. According to Sr Daley, Headmistress, St Raphael’s Girls School, Chennai, one of the students who was regular with the meditation bagged the second rank in the state in 2007–2008. R Suhana, a student of Holy Angels, Chennai, reports that she finds the meditation de-stressing and “doing the meditation once a week with my family has reduced the arguments at home”.
Clearly, as within, so without. Living as we do in a cusp between changing world orders, Planetary Peace meditation could well be an anodyne for Terra Madre (Mother Earth), our individual souls and collective consciousness. And most important, an instrument of world peace.
We welcome your comments and suggestions on this article. Mail us at
Life Positive
Saturday, January 31, 2009
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